Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hard News(ish)

So, I have been waiting and waiting to catch something to use for hard news, and have yet to be lucky enough to come across anything. For now I am going to use my experience I had this past summer in LA when I had the experience of a lifetime(to me anyways). There are a lot of pictures because I took 600+ pictures in the span of 30 minutes, it was hard to narrow it down. Very hard. For some reason- myself included- we love celebrities and some of the things they do and have big ceremonies to honor them. It is a type of hard news when a celebrity gets their hand and foot print ceremony at the Chinese Theater in LA. Jackie Chan is the first Asian to ever have this honor(this is actually his second time doing it too) so it was kind of a big deal at the time. I got lucky enough(through smooth talking) to get into the press area and join in the frenzy of the photographers there. It was an amazing experience, especially since Jackie Chan has been an idol of mine since I was five.

What all the commotion was about.
What it looks like in the press area, absolute CHAOS.
Gotta finish it off with a selfie, didn't get a picture with Jackie, sadly.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Dear oh dear. This assignment was quite fun, the hardest part was trying to get the pictures to look natural and not posed. So for the most part I was talking trying to distract her as much as possible to try and get real reactions and real emotions to things, rather than a fake smile and a pose. I didn't necessarily enjoy having my picture taken, but I did my best to do well. Setting up the pictures for natural light wasn't as difficult as I had thought it would be, they turned out nicely. All in all, I enjoyed this assignment and had an amazing group to work with, we had fun and laughed a lot.

Glamor 1

Glamor 2

Rembrandt 1

Rembrandt 2

Split 1

Split 2

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I feel that in shooting tight it is harder to tell a story. While shooting tight, the image, I feel, cuts out things that are important to be able to grasp the story sometimes. With the shots I am posting I feel they were pretty self explanatory to a story, so that it wasn't as difficult to find it while looking at them. It was weird trying to compose only tight shots. Two of the images are of animals in nature, it tells the story that it is getting warmer(sadly). The third image is of a man fixing a part for his bicycle, also leading to the fact that it is still getting warmer(even more sadly).

Wednesday, February 12, 2014